when Im hurt, I can't think straight. My mind overflows with overthinking and doubts. In my mind, I end up creating a world which I never want to face. Maybe it's my defence mechanism to think about the worst and hurt myself so that I can prepare myself when something like that actually happens.
I need a pull before initiating anything
I'm not well versed with expressing my emotions. I don't know how to console someone or cheer them up, I don't even know how to say the things which are running through my head.
I am a runner. I like peace. Confrontations are my weakest point. I would spend days sitting alone in silence rather than openly discussing anything that would bother me.
Whenever I get angry, hurt or frustrated, I ultimately start crying.
Introvert ~ wearing a shield around people i don't know. There's no way to know the real me unless someone breaks the shield.
I need time to sink in unexpected situation and then form a convincing modus operandi in my way to deal with it. What seems as avoidance, is hindsight my way of dealing and facing a situation at hand, it is just the way to process things that were not necessarily foreseen.
Open Minded ~ You have an appreciation for beauty in whatever you see. You use unconventional methods while approaching errands. You have a variety of ways to solve complex problems. You look for every opportunity to know about different things. You often draw understanding from past experience while dealing with a situation.
Amiableness ~ You feel good when you keep heiping people around you and enjoy the fulifiment of the same. You rarely expect people to recognize your achievements or avoid demanding your importance in order to stand out. Most people find you comforting when they are around you. Following rules and abiding by the same comes easy to you. You readily relate to others' pain and suffering, and you are sure enough that other people have good intentions and mean well.
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